I'm a new mom. Many women who are in my shoes or were in my shoes know the array of challenges and demands that have confronted me and await thus far. This blog is dedicated to one particular encumbrance that has drastically impacted not only myself but also my relationship with my friends and family: self-image.
I'm only 23 years old, and being over-weight seems like such a grown-up problem. I'm not saying that I think older people are fat, but I just never thought that I would have to face something like this at this time. I should be active, energetic, and at my physical peak. But I'm not. That disconnection with what I want and what the reality is incredibly frustrating. So I'm going to do something about it.
I want to do this in a way that's feasible. I don't want to do some sort of extreme diet that costs thousands of dollars a year. I want to eat healthy, work out, and provide a balanced (stress-free) lifestyle for my family.
I want other people to know that losing the baby weight is possible. It can be done. Being a new mom doesn't mean that you have to be stuck wearing "Mom jeans" or sweats all the time. I want to be a great example for my daughter, and I want her to be raised in an active, balanced home.