Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Pledge

My baby was born near the end of February. The pregnancy was tough on my little body, and because of complications, my activity level was severely limited. Though I gained the most precious, sacred thing I could ever live to know, I also lost a lot of myself.

Being a new mother comes with a catalog of new experiences, frustrations, demands... My daughter consumes my life, and though I love her with every breath of my soul, I know that with my new parental responsibilities, I've forgotten who I really am. This lack of identity causes so much anxiety that I know it hinders the intimacy between my husband and me. He suffers because I hate my body and I don't know the person that I'm supposed to be. I quit my job to be at home with our infant; I've started going back to college; and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. In addition, we have the added challenge of raising our child in a multi-racial and multi-faith home. Everything is new and the adjustments I've needed to make--and still need to make--are difficult to say the least. There are times when I want to just break down.

Before, I was adventurous. I loved being outdoors and experiencing the world. I had so much energy, spunk, vivacity, and I want that back. I want to rediscover myself. I want to love my life and want to share that confidence with my little girl.

I'm writing this because I think that somehow it will make this more real. I will be held more accountable for my actions if I just write it down. Also, I want to say I am confident in myself, and I want everyone to know that losing weight is entirely possible. Anyone can do it.

This is my pledge:
  • I want to lose 30lbs.
  • I want to be able to run a 5K by September.
  • I want to be able to run our household without feeling bogged down or tired.
  • I want to eat healthier.
  • I want to raise my child in an active home.
  • I want my self-confidence back.
How am I going to do this?

I joined a gym. This is something anyone can do, and prices are fairly reasonable for the average person. There are daycare services available, which is great for moms. I also am utilizing a personal trainer. I want to work out 5-6 days a week, working on my cardio and strength training.

I am going to try to make more meals at home, and I'm utilizing online cookbooks for healthier meal options that can be made fairly quickly.

For my 5K goal, I am actually going to test-drive the app called "Couch to 5K" (C25K) available on both I-Tunes and the Android Market. This is a 9 week program, which is just enough time for the 5K I want to run in September: The Warrior Dash.

I actually pledged my weight loss goal to the Pound for Pound Challenge.

I've also joined a few local mom's groups on Meetup to help get my child started in an active, social environment.

I am going to consistently track my progress on here. I'm hoping that my posts will not only help me feel more accountable, but will also motivate others to pursue a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

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